Mercedes-Benz has begun working on strengthening the brand with the help of a concept called MAR20X, which intends to enhance the customer experience outside the dealer network so that the marque will be perceived even more clearly as a premium brand. This strategy means, among other things, that all facilities will be rebuilt with a completely new concept, loaded with new technology and new customer processes for the industry. Music will be part of this overall concept.

Five of the Mercedes-Benz stores in Sweden and Denmark have already installed Audio Pro Business wireless speaker systems in their showrooms. And during 2023, installation is planned in five more dealerships. Joakim Hansson explains; "The sound is an option to the regular concept, not a contractual requirement on the part of Mercedes-Benz. But those responsible at the facilities quickly understand the effect sound has on the overall experience of the customer area, and since the cost is not particularly high, it is therefore a fairly simple decision to choose to add this sound solution".
Björn Glantz also confirms that the cost feels low in relation to the profit you make: "The products are very cost-effective when you think about the effect you get from the experience in relation to what it actually costs to install these speakers. Using Digital Business Partner and Audio Pro ensures that we get a sound reproduction that is even and pleasant across the entire customer area, an absolute requirement on the part of Mercedes-Benz.” Björn concludes by commenting; "You could say that the sound is part of a concept that you can certainly live without, but once you've tried it, you don't want to be without it."