Audio Pro Business speakers are helping engage customers both inside – and now outside – a chain of Swedish stores offering customers an experience like no other.
Three years ago, Kalle Cers, owner of 3 ELON stores, had speakers from Audio Pro Business installed in his flagship store on iconic shopping street, Sveavägen in Stockholm. The goal was to further improve the customer experience with the help of good music. The customer experience itself is something Kalle Cers has made a strategic focus since entering the industry 15 years ago.

For the past two years, the Sveavägen store has developed as a unique experiential concept. The store has a complete kitchen at its heart, and ELON can invite customers to enjoy food cooked directly in the store, including before or after the store’s standard hours
"We are happy to invite our customers to breakfast or dinner, which we can serve in peace and quiet, while we discuss the business," explains Kalle Cers. "And if a customer wants to try the products themselves by cooking the food themselves, this is of course also possible." This extended customer experience is something that Kalle has been striving for for many years. "My goal has always been to create something more fun, and something more homely than a normal, traditional store selling domestic appliances.”

Scent and taste are central to creating a great feeling, but the smell of freshly baked breakfast buns is not enough for Kalle Cers – the sound experience is also important: "Music builds mood in a completely unique way."
Seven Audio Pro speakers were installed in the ceiling of the Sveavägen store three years ago. "I clearly notice in my customers that they prefer to walk around the store with their freshly brewed cup of coffee if there is some pleasant music playing in the background. Moving around in a quiet shop feels completely different and considerably more stressful. My conclusion is that not only the customers are happy with the music, but also myself and my staff, which of course is also very important. Happy staff is always important to strive for. "

Now Kalle takes the customer experience one step further. "I have pondered for a long time what can be done to create curiosity and interest to the potential customers who pass outside my store. How do I get passersby to look into the shop window and lure them in for a spontaneous visit to the store?” Within the next few days, Audio Pro's outdoor speakers will be delivered, to be mounted outside the store. If music can create a pleasant feeling inside the store and promote business, then pleasant music must also have a positive effect outside the store as well, reasons Kalle Cers.
After evaluating what the Audio Pro Business speaker concept has added to the shopping experience on Sveavägen, Kalle has subsequently installed corresponding speakers in his store in Sickla, too.
"I can't wait to be able to make both customers and staff as happy here as in the first store. The third store will probably also be equipped with sound eventually, but right now I'm using it as a reference and comparison to the other stores. But we will most likely be using the winning concept here as well”, concludes Kalle Cers.