July 1st 2018 Jens Henriksen and Nils Ankarcrona took over Audio Pro, from Stefan Pantzar who is selling the company he has been building up for a long time.
In autumn 2016 Audio Pro went from eight to ten employees, as Jens Henriksen and Nils Ankarcrona joined the company. Both came from Zound Industries, where they were global sales manager and chief financial officer.
Wireless for ten years
When Audio Pro ten years ago developed their first solutions for wireless sound the goal was to lose the cables without losing the hifi-sound. They nailed it with their system consisting of active speakers with built-in receivers, plus transmitters that was connected to the computer via USB, but it was five years later, with the launch of their first Bluetooth speaker - the award winning Addon T10 - that sales took off for real.
Audio Pro´s former owner Stefan Pantzar says that when the company started with wireless they lost almost all their export, but remained strong in the Nordic countries. Audio Pro realized at an early stage that wireless was the future, but the market was not really ready for it at that time.
Tenfold turnover
The last five years Audio Pro has had a fantastic development – with a tenfold increase in turnover. Audio Pro is now available in more than 45 countries and have a subsidiary in USA, Audio Pro US inc. The turnover 2017 was 340 MSEK with good profitability.
Audio Pro has this spring launched the portable multiroom speaker Addon C3 and Drumfire – the most powerful multiroom speaker on the market. Recently the company launched Addon C5A, an easy to place multiroom speaker with amazing sound that is voice controlled with Amazon Alexa.
Audio Pro continues to focus on developing smart speakers, among other things in cooperation with Google, and further product launches are to be expected in the third quarter of this year. 2018 Audio Pro launches more products than ever before.
Focus on B2B
Audio Pro has for many years also developed and sold products under the brand name Sonab – for example wireless speakers for retail shops, restaurants, showrooms et cetera. Now this part of the business changes name from Sonab to Audio Pro Business – the sector is expected to grow and within a few years turn over more than 200 MSEK.